We understand the importance of being connected to your community. Across Nova Scotia, there are many helpful programs and services available to support you.
If you have concerns about your safety and wellbeing, or the safety of others, you can call the Men's Helpline, Women's Helpline or All Genders Helpline. The helplines are free, confidential and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Community resource navigators will connect you with someone who can help or just listen.
Call toll-free: 211
For non-emergency advice and information about mental health and addictions, call 811.
988: Suicide Crisis Helpline
The 988: Suicide Crisis Helpline provides urgent, live, trauma-informed support by phone and text 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is a national helpline for young people between the ages of 5 and 20. Confidential and anonymous support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can phone to speak with a trained counsellor. You can also text to reach a trained volunteer crisis responder.
Call toll-free: 1-800-668-6868
Text CONNECT to 686868
Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line
If you’re experiencing a mental health or addictions crisis, or are concerned about someone who is, the Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Call toll-free: 1-888-429-8167
Mental Health and Addictions Services
If you or a family member needs help, you can self-refer to a mental health or addictions clinic, service or program through the Nova Scotia Health Authority or IWK Health Centre.
Call toll-free: 1-855-922-1122 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and evening hours Tuesday, 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm).
Emergency Helplines and Crisis Services
Avalon provides a continuum of supports and services to individuals affected by sexualized violence.
Avalon 24/7 Sexual Assault Helpline: 902-421-1188
Transition House Association of Nova Scotia
Transition House Association of Nova Scotia (THANS) provides transitional services to women and their children who are experiencing violence and abuse. This includes culturally relevant services to Mi’kmaq People. THANS' 11 member organizations work with women and their children in 13 locations across Nova Scotia:
- Autumn Housing (Amherst)
- Bryony House (HRM)
- Cape Breton Transition House (Sydney)
- Chrysalis House (Kentville)
- Harbour House (Bridgewater)
- Juniper House (Yarmouth)
- Leeside Transition House (Port Hawkesbury)
- Mi’kmaw Family Healing Centre (Millbrook First Nation)
- Naomi Society (Antigonish)
- Tearmann House (New Glasgow)
- Third Place (Truro)
- Mi’Kmaw Family Healing Centre (We’koqma’q First Nation)
Neighbours, Friends, and Families
Neighbours, Friends, and Families is a public education campaign to raise awareness of the signs of domestic violence so that people close to an at-risk woman or an abusive man can help. If you need to stay at a shelter or would like to talk confidentially to a counsellor about your situation or how to help someone you think may be in a situation of violence, call the 24-hour helpline below.
24-hour helpline: 1-855-225-0220 (toll-free, call or text)
Alice House
Alice House provides safe second-stage housing and supportive counselling for women and children in Nova Scotia.
Call: 902-466-8459
Department of Justice Victim Services
Department of Justice Victim Services offers a range of services to help victims of crime and help provide the victim, or spouse or relative, with information, support and assistance as their case moves through the criminal justice system.
Call toll-free: 1-888-470-0773
Shelter Safe
Shelter Safe provides information and a clickable map to help connect women and their children across Canada with the nearest shelter for safety and support.